Monday, April 27, 2009

First Weigh In

So here I am, one week into my new diet and exercise program and I facing a crucial moment. I'm standing about two feet away from the scale and am paralyzed with fear. This shouldn't be an issue. I should be able to just step on that thing to have it pass judgment on me and be done with it.

Allow me to give you a bit of context as to why this is so difficult for me. The last time I seriously tried to lose weight, I had been working out and eating healthier for nearly a month without weighing myself. I figured that as long as I kept going, then the weight would just come off. Well, when I finally stepped on the scale, it was not pretty. Not only had I not lost any weight, but I had gained a pound. All that work and all I had to show for it was that I was bigger than I was when I started. Needless to say, it was devastating. I stopped exercising and got back into my poor eating habits. And here we are again. Me, staring at the scale. It staring coldly back at me. Alright, scale. Let's do this.

I turn it on and step up. The numbers dancing back and forth, as though it already knew the answer and were just taunting me. The numbers stopped moving. I looked at the display.

336.5 pounds. I've lost 3.5 pounds this week! That's about 1.5 pounds more than I needed to keep on track for my under 300 lbs goal I set (see last post). I step off the scale and do a little dance.


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